May- Alpha Maiden of the Month
Janelle Teta Women are so insanely beautiful and powerful. By nature, we are more analytical and intuitive. We are better multi-taskers. We are empathetic, nurturing, creative thinkers and communicators. I am often baffled at what little regard we give to ourselves and how often we let the world dictate who we should be.I’ve had a fairly juicy life sprinkled with some gut-wrenching traumas. I’ve struggled and overcome and struggled again.….and overcome. It may sound odd, but I expect that it will always be this way and I’m grateful. My most challenging hardships have always been wellsprings of opportunity, learning and growth. I see them more as “learning places” now. There are many people who have had it far worse than I, yet they consider my story inspiring. " of marked resilience.""The ability to turn the tragedy of abuse and addiction into triumph." There is no doubt that physical & emotional abuse, eating disorders and addictions are high on the scale of soul-crushing experiences, but I think inspiration is found in the parts of my story where I had a choice- either resign myself to circumstance or harness new strength from it. It sounds so matter-of-fact saying it that way, and I realize it isn’t. It wasn’t! We are rarely taught the skills [...]
Alpha Maiden of the Month
Kate Whetsel I sometimes kid that I push myself so hard in workouts and choose physical challenge after challenge because it gives me the endurance, and keeps me mentally tough enough, to deal with the rigors of parenting, being an Army spouse, and living overseas. I kid…except I don’t kid. I dabbled in fitness all through my 20s as a way to lose weight—like many women, but I didn’t become passionate about fitness until my 30s. After messing up my low back, hips, and breaking two ribs in a 2006 horse riding accident, I needed to get serious about getting stronger and truly physically fit. It was either that or stay ‘broken’ and in pain.During the year it took me to recover, I went to physical therapy for treatment, but I also started lifting weights regularly with the guidance of a personal trainer to help me get stronger, too. Getting physically stronger and having less back pain was really exciting, but the part that got me hooked was how much more stronger I felt on the inside. Through fighting to regain my health, mobility and fitness, I discovered a new level of confidence and resilience. In the years after my recovery, I realized that running and lifting weights created in me an ability to endure and persevere, even when [...]
Weekly Burn:
This is going to be "Fun." Upper Body Workout Most people who have worked out with me know that I say the word, "Fun" a lot. I have been accused of having a different definition of the word fun than most people... They think I'm crazy. I think it's just a good'ole time. Here's a "Fun" workout to brighten your day. Remember to choose a weight that is challenging, but one you can control. Warmup: Stretch the pecs and back. Foam roll the lats. Use the band to warm up the shoulders with IR/ER (Internal/External Rotation. Tutorial video is here.) 4 x 10 (4 Sets of 10 reps for each exercise.) 1A.) Dips 1B.) Pull-ups (Use a band for assistance if needed.) 2A.) Cable Chest Fly 2B.) BB Bent Over Row 3A.) Push-ups 3B.) Cable Lat Pulldown 4A.) Sled Push 4B.) Renegade Rows Cool Down: Downward Facing Dog, Puppy Pose. Stretch Chest and Back Foam Roll and.... Don't forget to have FUN! Source: New feed
Five Tips to Increase Mental Toughness and Develop a Winning Mindset
We often hear people talk about mental toughness. Having a strong mind, overcoming life’s obstacles, and being strong for the people you care about are all manifestations of mental toughness. The idea of mental toughness has been around since the time of the Spartans (and probably before). But, just how do we develop mental toughness? Can it be learned and taught or is it something you are either born with (or without)?Spoiler alert: Mental toughness can be taught and developed.In this article I provide you with five tips to increase mental toughness.What is mental toughness?In a broad sense mental toughness is the ability to face and overcome an obstacle in life. Situations may vary widely, but through practice you can develop the mind to overcome anything.Why is mental toughness important?Developing a strong mind is important for accomplishing goals, being productive, and being there for people who depend on you. To borrow a quote from legendary strength coach Mark Rippetoe “Stronger people are harder to kill and more useful in general”. This extends to mentally tough people as well.Tip #1- Focus on the Present“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.” This famous old Chinese proverb is true. Focus on what you can control in the present moment. You can’t control the past. No matter [...]