Camy Kennedy


​An Alpha Maiden….wow, such a powerful description of power and strength. 

Growing up I was always a tomboy. I played with the boys. I shot guns, I caught snakes by the canal, and my dog ran behind the 4 wheeler when I went down to the river to fish. I caught frogs in the pond, shot my bow, jumped in muddy puddles and never cried when I fell down. 

What I love about Alpha Maiden is that although you can be a tomboy at heart, there is still a woman’s beauty and an elegance in being a female. It’s unspoken in the way she keeps it all together, balancing a career with strong relationships, and constantly striving for better, while having gratitude for what she has. 

How can we do this…actually embody this strength? 

In my experience, it is accepting yourself right now as you are. There is nothing you NEED to change.

We are strong, we are beautiful and we are loved.

And we can speak that mantra daily to empower our lives. 

For me, growing up I was insecure, super tough, and always played sports with the boys. Around middle school time was when I realized that I was bigger than most girls, and that I had some “baby fat” – and that was the time when I started to really watch what I was eating — cutting out sodas and milkshakes. I’d like to say it was healthy, but really I was depriving and taking in too few calories. 

In college, I was a volleyball athlete and I could eat what I wanted. Until sophomore year when I stopped playing volleyball and put fitness on the back burner as I got my undergrad in molecular cell biology. 

After college is when I really got serious about fitness and nutrition again when I started working at a gym. But I got extreme very quickly, losing and gaining back the same 10-15lbs though a binge and deprive cycle — constantly beating myself up in the process.

And then I heard that still, small voice: “You CAN’T hate yourself into a fitter body”.

My journey of self love started when I hurt my back and put on 25lbs in 2 months. I was down and out, and couldn’t workout. It was during this time when I vowed to come back in a balanced way and teach women how to STOP trying to be perfect and start breaking the dieting rules. 

Balance is not a destination. It’s not like “okay, I’m finally balanced”. It’s like a sea-saw, and on the fulcrum is self-love. Everything you do and every choice you make is for your highest good, and if you have an unconditional love for yourself, you will come back to making the RIGHT decision for your future goals, not just what makes you feel good now. 


​I like to share my motivation with you, because that Is the number one thing that my clients ask me. How do I stay motivated? It’s all who I surround myself with. As a military girlfriend of a high performing enlisted man, being physically fit and mentally tough is the only option. When I’m not feeling like doing something, I remember that each day my man does something 100x harder than what I’m about do to. I surround myself with people who hold me to a higher standard, and call me out on my stuff. 

People who truly love you will tell you the truth in love. When you are headed down the wrong path, they are there to re-direct you. 

​Right now, if you know you are not where you want to be, the time is NOW to make a commitment to yourself and take a massive step towards your goal. Don’t wait. Dig deep into your soul, and pull out that piece of you that you know is there. Put positive thoughts, images and sounds into your brain each day. Repeat. 

To be an Alpha Maiden, you have to know what you want, and take action towards achieving it. Some people freak out because they don’t know what they want. Calm down. Just take the next step towards what really excites you, fires you up, and makes a positive impact on those around you. You’ve got what it takes to be an Alpha Maiden! 

– Camy Kennedy
Diet Recovery Expert, Trainer, Writer, Network Marketer, Rulebreaker

Camy is a Diet Recovery Expert, Fitness Coach, Writer, and Network Marketing Pro integrating Fitness & Faith into her lifestyle programs and confidence coaching. As a recovering perfectionist, a born-again morning person, tom-boy and #rulebreakerforlife, Camy helps women on their health journey by releasing them from expectations of perfection and allowing them to embrace a non-dieting lifestyle. She is passionate about designing a life you love and took the leap from the corporate world in 2015 on faith that the people, resources and opportunities would present themselves as she pursued her highest calling. Her alpha-ness and faith allowed her to take big risks with grace and confidence, despite many voices telling her that there was a safer route. Now, Camy uses her experience with extreme dieting, body image issues and negative self talk to coach women through their transformations by giving them what they think they want, and guiding them towards what they really need.

Healthy Blessings,
Camy B. Kennedy
Nutrition & Fitness Coach
Camy Kennedy Consulting
Cell: (919)  443-0738

Source: New feed