This months Alpha Maiden is someone I first heard about through her clothing brand, then later found out she also has a podcast! Not only is she strong, resilient and beautiful, she also is passionate about helping other women feel safe and confident, all without having to sacrifice the desire to feel feminine & dressing in style. As a woman in the fitness industry, I can relate to her mission. I don’t want to wear heavy duty tactical pants all day ever day in my job simply in order to carry.

Her mission with her clothing brand and podcast bridges the gap to help more women feel comfortable learning about owning a firearm without feeling intimidated or like you’ll have to change your entire lifestyle in order to feel safe. She also understands that owning a firearm isn’t for every woman, and as such she gracefully educates all her followers that her line of clothing can also safely conceal other self-defense tools like pepper spray or tasters. Just be sure to check your individual state conceal carry laws before choosing what to carry.


Without further ado, meet Amy Robbins. Founder of clothing brand, Alexo Athletica and co-host to the Not Your Average Gun Girls Podcast.


I created Alexo Athletica because no product existed on the market that would meet my need to feel fashionable while carrying in active wear. So, I jumped on the opportunity to not only provide fashionable, functional carry-wear but create a movement of empowered women that could Carry With Confidence.

In the Not Your Average Gun Girls Podcast, hosted with Emily Valentine of Style Me Tactical, we are self-reliant, stylish, and eager to inspire women to feel confident in defending themselves with a gun while also staying true to their lifestyle. 



If you’re a woman who wants to learn more about self-reliance while still be true to your lifestyle, be sure to checkout the Podcast HERE.


If you LOVE all the pockets in your yoga pants, then it’s time to get a pair of Alexo Athletica leggings.

Get 10% off your first pair of pants with code 10ALEXO. Shop HERE.


Be sure to follow Amy on Instagram below:


