I’m a wife, a mother of a very large blended family, an executive, and a lover of humanity.

My previous marriage was filled with domestic violence and ugliness. He had a firearm, but I hid it from him.

When I left that marriage with my children, it quickly became very obvious that I needed to learn how to be able to protect myself and my children.

After an attack on our home, and having to go through the process of getting a protective order, I started to train with firearms. After my first training, I fell in love and started to pursue regular training.

A couple of years into my training, I felt inspired to start my organization, Warrior Angels. I saw a lot of good people being destroyed and taken advantage of by evil people. It made me angry, and I wanted to do something to help.

I started my organization to serve people. Whether it be by helping to connect them to the right people, by sharing the knowledge I was learning, or by our free programs we put together.

I’ve always believed that the ability to defend yourself shouldn’t be based on your bank account, and that we needed a way to provide everyone with some kind of base training that they could use to defend themselves, if the event ever arose…

So my own personal journey of learning firearms, combatives, and everything else between, came to life. I spend whatever extra time I have learning, and sharing that journey with all of my followers.

My dream is to inspire and empower on a global level. To take the information we have at our fingertips and share it with all those that don’t have access to it, or just simply need it simplified.

Why I consider myself an Alpha Maiden: I consider myself a force to be reckoned with, period. When I put my mind to something, I will absolutely accomplish it. This journey isn’t just about me… it’s about my sisters all over the world that are crying for help. I truly believe that if we all stay focused on what we are passionate about, we can accomplish great things.


Make sure to follow Debi below and stay tuned for the upcoming launch of the Warrior Angels website and S.A.F.E. Program, a Vital Child Anti Abduction Training Program.

